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Zhoushan Willman Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact: Helen Wong

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Working mode of internal pressure tester

Time:2018-7-11 Clicks:4205times
  After nitrogen injection, the internal pressure of cans and PET bottles can be monitored in real time, and other pressure tests after steam filling. It can quickly detect and remove unqualified products and provide sound and light alarm. Users can detect the normal operation of the front end equipment at any time, eliminate the bad effects of the unqualified products to the market. When the continuous disqualified products are removed, the warning front end equipment can be discovered in time, and the automatic stop can be set when necessary. Stop the function of the front end equipment to reduce the loss. In addition, the detector is more convenient for users to adjust the filling amount of liquid nitrogen machine, and whether the internal pressure is qualified or not can be judged without destroying the tank. Does the work flow of internal pressure testing machine sound orderly?
If you are interested, you can ask Xiaobian for more information about the internal pressure testing machine.



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Zhoushan Willman Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact: Helen Wong   Sales Mananger:+86-13186790561   WeChat (Whatsapp):+86-13186790561

Skype:katrinasnow13   E-mail:wellman93@foxmail.com


Address: Putuo District Xinyuan Road 41-1, Zhoushan City Zhejiang Province.

Technical support: sixi.com